Appassionata 2023

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Appassionata is a fabulous way for Americans to protect their assets whilst the dollar is at a 30 year high to sterling!

Il Riposo, Appassionata

Il Riposo, Appassionata

IL Riposo, Appassionata

We are finding more and more US based owners are seeing the benefits of buying into our fractional ownership projects, not least because of the amazing exchange rates they are achieving because they are buying in pounds sterling.With 30 year highs in the Dollar/Sterling exchange rate, it makes buying anything in pounds sterling a very attractive option to those holding dollars. In the last 3 years alone there has been a 30% increase in value. A great time to buy.The world's economic uncertainty, not least since the US elections, have a great deal of people thinking about asset protection and diversification. We are constantly looking for the 'ideal' use for our money, wanting to have the best of all things: lifestyle enhancement, great value for money and something to pass onto the kids. What we are finding is that a very select group of Americans have discovered the Italian region of Le Marche and the concept of fractional property ownership. This is quite possibly one of the best ways to diversify your investments while getting the lifestyle benefits of owning a luxury property in Italy, for a fraction of the price.The AARP magazine consider Le Marche as one of the 5 best places to retire in the world, so it would make sense to consider not only spending more time here but make a lifestyle investment at the same time.Fractional ownership offers American holiday home purchasers the perfect opportunity to invest in the lifestyle of their dreams on the European continent without any of the potential pitfalls of buying outright.The simplicity of Appassionata’s fractional ownership offering in the stunning Le Marche region, is where we believe opportunities in the Italian property market are going to flourish. Not only are property prices in this stunning hidden secret up to 35% lower than neighbouring Tuscany, they are significantly lower than the capital city of Rome. The region offers everything from snow-capped mountains to Blue Flag beaches, interspersed with rolling hills and picturesque hilltop towns. Easy access to the main cities, regions of Italy and multiple airports, makes Le Marche ideally placed.  At Appassionata, we don’t foresee our market slowing down and have in fact justlaunched a new property, Il Riposo – ‘The Retreat’ in Patrignone, a stunning three-storey town house with open views to the rolling hills beyond and a private swimming pool sitting within a walled garden. The fractional ownership offered is for a one tenth, five week share in perpetuity, and as the property is held within a UK company your purchase would be in sterling, with prices starting from £90,000. With over 36 satisfied owners from around the world this proven formula is a compelling solution to purchasing a holiday home in these uncertain times. This hidden gem of Italy means that American purchasers can own a share in the property of their dreams, benefit as the property appreciates in value, have the freedom of being able to sell, will, transfer or place the share in a trust at any time.And so, while we continue to watch what will happen in the wake of Trumps election the financially savvy will open their eyes to factional ownership as a practical and sensible way of owning and enjoying a luxury property overseas; without the hassle, complications and expense associated with full ownership.Please book a discovery trip to come and experience Le Marche for yourself.