Appassionata 2023

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Questions to Ask Yourself Before Purchasing a Share in an Appassionata Property

Answering these thought-provoking questions will help you decide if fractional ownership is right for you.

You’ve probably dreamt about owning a luxurious home in Italy for years, that’s why you’re reading this blog. However, even though the idea of living ‘La Dolce Vita’ is incredibly wholesome and exciting, making the right decision about where, what and how much…. is not easy. 

If that sounds like you and you are unsure about the right way to start then please keep reading. 

We pride ourselves on being approachable, straightforward and in being one of the most experienced developers of fractional ownership properties in the whole of Italy. We have been doing this for over 15 years, and in the process created a very clear and well trusted approach for potential homeowners. Every stage of the purchase process is established to be easy and transparent.

By answering the following questions, you’ll gain some clarity on whether our fractional ownership model is for you, and so that you can confidently decide whether you’d like to officially begin your journey with Appassionata. 

When you dream of your ideal home, what does it look like? 

Every property in our portfolio is unique, and boasts an incredible Le Marche location, stunning interior design and high-quality, stand-out features. However, each home has its own individual character that makes it best suited to a particular type of owner. 

For example, if your ideal home is a hidden oasis with a private pool, you’re going to fall in love with Il Riposo. If you appreciate a place with a rich history and unparalleled architecture, Casa Tre Archi is for you. If you want an open and airy home, in an Art Deco style, that’s close to the beach, we’d suggest Villa Veneto.

Before researching our available properties, it’s best to know what you consider to be ‘non-negotiables’ for your future home, then you’ll have a rough idea of what you’re looking for ahead of your enquiry.

Do you want an easy life as a homeowner or do you prefer to be hands-on?

The Appassionata way is all about delivering a stress-free experience providing luxury property and true escapism to a wider market, so more people can enjoy the finer things in life at a more affordable investment. This involves taking care of all the legal intricacies, the complete renovation and interior design, the on-going building maintenance, owner requests, booking dinner reservations and much more. 

So, if you’re looking to just turn up at your front door ready to start your holiday, we know that we’d be a good fit. However, if you want to purchase outright, to experience the purchase process, building renovation and upkeep first-hand, we’d suggest looking into purchasing a holiday home instead.

Would you be happy to return to the same place every year?

For some, the appeal of a holiday is getting to experience a different place every trip. However, we share the same opinion with many of our homeowners, which is to develop a long term relationship with an area we have fallen in love with and for it to feel like home. We’re at a point where luxury, comfort and relaxation outweigh all else.

Also, there’s something about being one of the few “in the know” about the hidden gem of Le Marche. From white-sand, turquoise-water beaches to historic, medieval villages and lively, Italian festivals to delicious, family-owned restaurants, there’ll always be something new to explore on each of your visits.

Here’s what one of our homeowners had to say about returning to Le Marche every year: 

“The house is our second home now, we feel like locals in our borgo and are accepted as such (in spite of our still pigeon Italian). Going to our favourite restaurant where the frizzante arrives without asking or being trusted to pay later at the local tennis bubble makes you feel at home.”

Are you happy to share your home with others? 

One of the most attractive aspects of fractional ownership, if not the most, is the ability to share the overall costs of the property with approximately 10 or 12 other owners. Splitting the price into equal shares makes the total price much more attainable, meaning you can afford a luxurious dream home which may have otherwise been out of your price range. 

Of course, splitting the cost of the property with several other owners means you also have to share ownership of the home and its availability. Even though our housekeeping team will make it feel like you’re the property’s first visitors, and our residency calendar is a fair booking system, you might prefer to be a sole holiday homeowner….

What are your biggest concerns about purchasing a share?

Over the last 15 years, we’ve seen over 75 owners experience La Dolce Vita in their very own luxury Italian home. However, we’re not unaware that prior to purchasing a share, they all had questions and the occasional concern. 

Take some time to think about what may be holding you back from making an enquiry. Then put all of your worries aside…….all you have to do is contact us. Our team will be more than happy to discuss the Appassionata process from start to finish, answering your questions, hopefully creating a sense of excitement about taking your enquiry to the next level.