Appassionata 2023

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An authentic Italian Christmas

Over the years, Christmas in England, and indeed many other countries has become over commercialised and rather daunting. Often the decorating begins in August and Christmas trees and lights are up and flashing while shopping for the last of the summer bargains in September! Roll on December and everyone is tired of the crowds, the Christmas parties and searching for the end of the scotch tape.January is steeped in depression. Credit cards have been maxed out, everyone’s detoxing and excess kilos need to be shed.Christmas in Italy feels more gentle, elegant and authentic. The priorities are different. December 8th is known as the L’lmmacolata, the celebration of the immaculate conception. It is also the day most Italian’s decorate their trees and set out their nativity scenes. Many towns and cities celebrate with Christmas markets, selling traditional gifts and decorations.Family gatherings over the Christmas period are really important. Food is simple and delicious, locally grown and home cooked. A glass of wine or two is normal, but rarely to excess. Mass is attended by all generations, babes in arms, grandparents and everyone in between. The children usually receive one or two gifts on Christmas Eve, carefully chosen and lovingly wrapped.Enjoy the festive season where ever you are, but try and remember the true meaning of Christmas.For more information on Le Marche and fractional ownership opportunities with Appassionata’s Italian lifestyle brand go to , or contact Dawn directly